In our private coaching program, we help you get respect in a relationship. We help you transform your current relationship, or attract a loving partner who’ll give you the closeness, commitment, and importance you deserve.

Along with 1-on-1 sessions, you get daily support debriefing your dates (or difficult interactions with your partner). We have one program for women and one for men.

self-love affirmations

During our Self Love Song Circles (on zoom), we sing self-love affirmations and chants together. Join our coed group of kindred souls as we replace self-doubt, shame, and judgement with self-love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

At each circle, you’ll declare what you deserve to yourself, the universe, and supportive witnesses. That’ll help you believe it in your bones… giving you more confidence and courage in relationships.

Our love and respect retreats liberate you from the costs of not loving and respecting yourself – such as settling for partners who frustrate and disappoint you.

You’ll discover and demonstrate your true worth, so others prioritize you. You’ll also get to role play with members of the opposite sex – setting boundaries, saying No, and expressing the needs you find hardest to express.

“Last year I took your advice and asked the hard questions you suggested. I was so disappointed with my boyfriend’s answers. I set some boundaries and challenges for him to step up to, if he wanted to see me again. I could have saved a lot of grief if I’d asked him those questions long ago!

Six months later, I reconnected with an ex-boyfriend and he proposed! Now I’m making a life with this great man who’s incredibly present with the difficult challenges of life. He’s fully committed and nurturing to me and my mother, and even stands up for me.

You were right that putting my foot down would lead to a respectful partner showing up!”

– Gisélle Bisson

respect in a relationship

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Attract Love and Respect

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