The proprietary worksheets for our coaching clients are copyrighted and for personal use only. As a client, you may not share, sell, or provide any portion of these worksheets to your own customers or clients. Doing so is a violation of our terms as well as copyright laws.
We earmark one hour per private coaching session. We also offer support between sessions – in the form of messages, FB group posts, and (for Dream Relationship clients only) Whatsapp voice memos.
That said, if you request support more than twice between each private session, we reserve the right to shorten some of the privates to offset that support.
Our Empathy Magnet Program has no money-back guarantee. Nor does our Respect Miracle Program, if you choose to pay in four monthly payments. (Because then we only meet twice a month, and the gaps between sessions are too long to gain momentum.) However, if you pay for our Respect Miracle Program in three payments (spaced 21 days apart), and fulfill the criteria below, we guarantee that by your last session:
- You’ll evoke more compassion when standing up for yourself.
- You’ll respect yourself enough to set boundaries and express your needs.
- You’ll be more valued by people you date.
We can only make good on these results if you do your part, fair enough? So in order to be eligible for this money-back guarantee, you must meet all of these 7 criteria:
- Take our self-respect quiz before your 2nd session and again before your last session (to measure your improvement).
- Join sessions from a private room, not a car or in the presence of others.
- Provide 24 hours notice when rescheduling.
- Submit completed homework by midnight each Monday for eight consecutive weeks. (Including ALAR worksheets and open book exams.)
- Each week after our fourth session, practice expressing one need or boundary during a date / visit / video chat with someone you’re dating.
- If you’ve chosen a payment plan, cure any declined charges within 3 business days.
- Complete all 8 sessions within 10 weeks (Respect Miracle Program).
If you’re accepted into our Dream Relationship Program, meet with us weekly, and fulfill the 7 criteria above AND the 3 criteria below, we guarantee that by your last session, you’ll have a loving, respectful, committed relationship.
Additional Criteria for our Dream Relationship Guarantee
- After making your down payment, send the balance due by check, cashier’s check, or wire transfer before our 2nd session.
- If you’re not much more valued in your current relationship after two months, have at least one date or video chat every week with a romantic prospect *other than* your current sweetheart. You can continue seeing your current sweetheart too.
- Complete all 26 sessions within 30 weeks (Dream Relationship Program).
If you fulfill all of these criteria, but somehow fail to achieve the results we promise above, we’ll issue you a full refund if you request one at our last session and debrief with us. (That’s Session 8 for our Respect Miracle Program and Session 26 for our Dream Relationship Program.)
A debrief helps us learn how to have 100% success with other clients in similar situations. There are no cancellations or refunds before or after our last session.
If you don’t complete all of the above, no results are guaranteed and you will not be eligible for a refund.