Private Coaching For Women
Stop Being A Low Priority To Men You Date… Or Your Boyfriend!
In 8 Weeks, Become A High Value Woman, Come First For A Change, And Get Respect In A Relationship!
As Seen On...
Do you keep feeling disappointed, frustrated, or taken for granted by men?
Do you want a committed relationship or marriage, and wonder “Why am I still single?”.
Do you have relationship anxiety… or an anxious attachment style?
If so, which of these benefits would make the biggest difference in your life?…
Stop Attracting The Wrong Men. Quickly spot red flags in a relationship. Break free of your relationship pattern. Attract a committed man who gives you the closeness and importance you deserve.
Take The Blinders Off. Stop seeing your past relationships as “failures” or your breakups as “rejections”. Discover what you’re not seeing so you can stop doubting yourself!
Supercharge Your Self Esteem. Clear away self-judgements and unconscious beliefs that lead you to settle.
Know When To End A Relationship. See it as his loss, not yours. And have faith that a better man will recognize what a great catch you are. No more getting attached, hanging on, or dooming yourself to heartache and sleepless nights.
Get Respect And Avoid Heartache. Demonstrate that you’re a high value woman, instead of unconsciously putting out signals that convey low value.
Get As Much As You Give. Attract a man who feels lucky to be with you and treats you as a priority, instead of putting you last. You may be surprised because the right approach is counter-intuitive!
Feel Confident Setting Boundaries In Relationships. Confidently put your foot down, instead of feeling like a doormat. Stop feeling disrespected in relationships.
Evoke Compassion, Not Defensiveness. Set boundaries and express your needs in a way that brings him closer. No more pushing him away… or smoothing things over at the expense of your own needs.
Deflate The Emotional Charge. Stay calm in situations that used to cause you relationship anxiety. Become less anxious and easier to love.
My name is Trevor Justice. If we work together, you can expect the results above. But I don’t work with women who aren’t dating. I specialize in helping women who are dating or in a relationship, but face one or more of these challenges:
- You worry that your boyfriend is less committed to a relationship than you are.
- The slightest sign that he might be withdrawing leaves you feeling insecure.
- You have an anxious attachment style.
- You’re sometimes described as needy, clingy, or creating drama.
- You’re a people-pleaser and prioritize others over yourself.
- You fall for men who are unavailable or won’t commit to you, not the ones who want you.
Discover The Right Way To Demonstrate Self-Respect So You Aren’t Taken For Granted
Most other relationship programs teach you to practice self-love and the Law of Attraction. But that’s only a start.
I take you to the next level, teaching you to recognize “moments of truth” and make the right choices so you demonstrate high value. When you do, men will value you more.
Ready for a change? Let’s shed light on your relationship “blind spots” and find out if I’m the right coach to help you.
If not, I can refer you to someone who’s a better fit. Either way, there’s no cost or obligation.