Can Singing Self-Love Affirmations Really Inspire Your Partner – or Someone You’re Dating – to Love, Respect, and Commit to You?

Your self-respect affects who you attract and how you’re treated. So Step #1 is to replace your self-judgment and doubt with self-love and acceptance.

Here’s how singing self-love affirmations and self-love songs helps you do that…

As Seen On...


feeling insecure in a relationship anxiety

Do your relationships keep disappointing you? 

Is it hard for you to speak up or ask for what you need?

Do you waver when setting boundaries?

If so, I believe you’re being undermined by limiting beliefs about what you deserve. And…

You’re unconsciously attracting people who reflect your self-doubts, judgements, and negative beliefs. For example:

“I’m not good enough”
“I’m not loveable”
“Something is wrong with me”

People who love and respect themselves 100% don’t settle for disappointing relationships. They don’t tolerate being a low priority. Why not?

They don’t have to… because they attract partners who reflect their high self esteem!

That’s why we gather for Self Love Song Circles.

By Singing Self-Love Songs With Us, You Can Replace Self-Judgment With Self-Love

You can also replace self-doubt and shame with self-acceptance and forgiveness. But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a “singer”.

Each circle is a safe and confidential gathering. As you declare what you deserve, and let go of negative beliefs, you’ll feel held by our family of supportive sisters and brothers.

self-love affirmations

“Trevor has a gentle and loving presence that allows me to feel safe, feel deeply, and share in the group. His music is like a wave of love and healing energy bathing all my cells and my aura. I always walk away much lighter hearted.”

– Karina Cotler

Here’s what I’ve found during 12 years of participating in men’s circles, leading Self Love Song Circles, and doing music ministry at spiritual centers…

The more often you declare what you deserve, out loud in front of supportive witnesses, the more you truly believe it.

Doing this turns your desire from an empty wish into a magnetic force. And once it does, “all sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred”. (That’s according to the famous German writer J.W. Goethe.)

self-love affirmations

“Trevor embodies such a generous and joyous energy, I find it easy to join in and sing his uplifting songs. I enjoy how participative the circle is when I sing out affirmations that help me acknowledge what’s present for me, and speak over my disempowering beliefs! I feel safe to reveal my shadow parts, to claim truth over story, and to practice living into a more powerful version of me.”

– Todd Phillips

But why do we sing affirmations, in addition to speaking them?

Singing frees your spirit and opens your throat chakra* so you can speak your truth, desires, and boundaries – and be heard.

Between singing each refrain, there’s time for you to declare what you deserve, or release an emotional burden or judgment about yourself

My method helps you anchor new beliefs in your body… so you love and respect yourself more with each circle you attend.

As you do, you’ll gain the self-confidence to leave disappointing relationships. And when you do, you’ll see it as your partner’s loss, not yours. You’ll also develop faith that a wonderful new partner will show up.


* There are 7 chakras that run along your spine. They correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of your energetic body that affect your emotional and physical well-being.

Opening your throat chakra helps you speak up for yourself, express your needs, and be heard. It helps you find your voice, declare your truth, and sing praises — for yourself and others.

If it’s blocked, you may shut down during hard conversations. Or you might find a lump in your throat or a catch in your voice.

“Thank you for creating a loving space to connect and sing, especially since I’m not a ‘singer’. It’s healing for the part of me that felt lonely and disconnected during the pandemic. You create a warm and welcoming space for vulnerability.”

– Yasmina Porter

We meet on the first Thursday and third Monday of each month – at 8:30pm EST (5:30pm PST). Since we meet on Zoom, you can mute yourself while singing along, but unmute between refrains.

Join our Self Love Song Circle family.

A little more about my background… I’m an award-winning songwriter known for lifting spirits, healing hearts, and inspiring courage. I’ve collaborated with hit songwriters, appeared on cable TV, and inspired congregations around the country with my positive message songs.

The music video of my song “Love Yourself” has received over 100,000 views on FB and the video of my song “Yes We Can” has received over 50,000 views on YouTube.

Eavesdrop on this Self-Love Song Circle to hear participants release burdens and call in what they deserve!

“The circle was intimate, warm and welcoming. I felt my nervous system down-regulate and access more stillness, a sense of safety and connection with my authentic self.

I cried twice and was able to touch into some deep threads around worth and ‘enoughness’ that were challenging me. I felt supported and safe to share my thoughts, feelings and process. It was very healing to intentionally sing through them with the lovely songs Trevor taught us, songs with a soulfulness that resonated deeply.”

– Laura Knutson

“I was surprised when my intuition suggested I join your Self Love Song Circle. The songs and the sharing in the circle help me get in touch with what’s going on in my heart. I’m able to name and claim the particular tender feelings that arise within me.”

– Laura Sandage

respect in a relationship

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